S17:E9 - What are some database architectures and their use cases (Kyle Bernhardy)


Episode | Podcast

Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2021 04:59:00 -0400

In this episode, we talk about database architectures and some of their use cases, with Kyle Bernhardy, CTO of HarperDB. Kyle talks about what a database is, different types of databases, and when you might want to use one type of database over another. Show Links Compiler (sponsor) Porkbun (sponsor) Database Architectures & Use Cases HarperDB Commodore 64 Java Object–relational mapping (ORM) SQL NoSQL On-premises software Microsoft Azure SQL Server Firebase Autoscaling API Key–value store Solid-state drive Document store JSON MongoDB Graph database Time series database Internet of Things (IoT) Datadog Elastic Amazon DynamoDB Relational database Stack Overflow Oracle Cloud Bigtable Udemy