336: Cassie Evans

CodePen Radio

Episode | Podcast

Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 15:01:56 +0000

<p><a href="https://www.cassie.codes/">Cassie Evans</a> is our special guest this week! Cassie is a front-end developer with a special talent and passion for animation and SVG, as evidenced in part by <a href="https://codepen.io/cassie-codes">her amazing work on CodePen</a>. She's recently became part of the team over at <a href="https://greensock.com/">Greensock</a>, a very popular JavaScript-powered animation framework.</p> <p>We got to talk specifically about the <a href="https://greensock.com/3-8/">Greensock 3.8 release</a> and <a href="https://www.plandonline.com/cassie-evans">an SVG workshop</a> she's got ready to that she does with the gang at <a href="https://www.plandonline.com/">Pland</a>.</p> <h3 id="h-time-jumps">Time Jumps</h3> <h3 id="h-sponsor-retool-for-startups">Sponsor: <a href="https://srv.buysellads.com/ads/long/x/THMJPQS3TTTTTTTWFEEN4TTTTTTTM3JTK6TTTTTTE4R45YVTTTTTTJSYPHSILMDNPMMU62PL2RSCNR4ZCW7NNJIUV26T">Retool for Startups</a></h3> <p>After working with thousands of startups, we’ve noticed that technical founders spend a ton of time building internal tools—which means less time on their core product. So, we built Retool For Startups—a program that gives early-stage founders free access to a lot of the software you need for great internal tooling.</p> <p>The goal is to make it 10x faster to build the admin panels, CRUD apps, and dashboards that most early stage teams need. We’ve bundled together a year of free access to Retool with over $160,000 in discounts to save you money while building with software commonly connected to internal tools like AWS, MongoDB, Brex, and Segment.</p> <p>We give you a head start with pre-built UI components, integrations, and other advanced features that make building from scratch much faster. To learn more, check out our site, apply, join webinars and much more at&nbsp;<a href="https://srv.buysellads.com/ads/long/x/THMJPQS3TTTTTTTWFEEN4TTTTTTTM3JTK6TTTTTTE4R45YVTTTTTTJSYPHSILMDNPMMU62PL2RSCNR4ZCW7NNJIUV26T">retool.com/startups</a>.</p>