#321: Six Million

CodePen Radio

Episode | Podcast

Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 21:20:35 +0000

<p>A big milestone for us! We're now well over that number of registered users on CodePen. It's a fun number to watch — but we know it's not a particularly useful or industry-standard metric. Monthly active users, for example, is much more meaningful. In this podcast, Marie and Chris reminisce a bit on the early days and reflect on what is different between then and now. You'd think we'd have way more support work to do, <a href="https://blog.codepen.io/2021/05/13/315-support-success/">but we don't</a>. You'd think we'd have way higher server costs, but we don't. We all feel it in different ways. We're more boring in a very satisfying way. We're more consistent, secure, stable, and reliable.</p> <h3 id="h-time-jumps">Time Jumps</h3> <h3 id="h-sponsor-secureframe">Sponsor: <a href="https://srv.buysellads.com/ads/long/x/T6KIJGITTTTTTT6VONACTTTTTTT52HH7KTTTTTTTB46ZAYTTTTTTTIDBCKACEKIL2YSHVYSIVR264SP3VJWCOASVGHWE">Secureframe</a></h3> <p>Security compliance isn’t the biggest priority for startups...until it is. When it comes to enterprise deals, every large company requires a SOC 2 report. Secureframe allows companies to get SOC 2 compliant within weeks, rather than months and monitors 40+ services, including AWS, GCP, and Azure. Secureframe continuously collects audit evidence, runs security awareness training, manages vendors, monitors infrastructure, and more, all automatically.</p> <p>Our customers save an average of 50% on their audit costs and hundreds of hours of their time. Learn more at <a href="https://srv.buysellads.com/ads/long/x/T6KIJGITTTTTTT6VONACTTTTTTT52HH7KTTTTTTTB46ZAYTTTTTTTIDBCKACEKIL2YSHVYSIVR264SP3VJWCOASVGHWE">secureframe.com</a></p>