Spam Filtering with Naive Bayes

Data Skeptic

Episode | Podcast

Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 15:00:00 +0000

<p>Today's spam filters are advanced data driven tools. They rely on a variety of techniques to effectively and often seamlessly filter out junk email from good email.</p> <p>Whitelists, blacklists, traffic analysis, network analysis, and a variety of other tools are probably employed by most major players in this area. Naturally content analysis can be an especially powerful tool for detecting spam.</p> <p>Given the binary nature of the problem (<img alt="Spam" src="" /> or <img alt="\neg Spam" src="" />) its clear that this is a great problem to use machine learning to solve. In order to apply machine learning, you first need a labelled training set. Thankfully, many standard corpora of labelled spam data are readily available. Further, if you're working for a company with a spam filtering problem, often asking users to self-moderate or flag things as spam can be an effective way to generate a large amount of labels for "free".</p> <p>With a labeled dataset in hand, a data scientist working on spam filtering must next do feature engineering. This should be done with consideration of the algorithm that will be used. The Naive Bayesian Classifer has been a popular choice for detecting spam because it tends to perform pretty well on high dimensional data, unlike a lot of other ML algorithms. It also is very efficient to compute, making it possible to train a per-user Classifier if one wished to. While we might do some basic NLP tricks, for the most part, we can turn each word in a document (or perhaps each bigram or n-gram in a document) into a feature.</p> <p>The <em>Naive</em> part of the Naive Bayesian Classifier stems from the naive assumption that all features in one's analysis are considered to be independent. If <img alt="x" src="" /> and <img alt="y" src="" /> are known to be independent, then <img alt="Pr(x \cap y) = Pr(x) \cdot Pr(y)" src="" />. In other words, you just multiply the probabilities together. Shh, don't tell anyone, but this assumption is actually wrong! Certainly, if a document contains the word <em>algorithm</em>, it's more likely to contain the word <em>probability</em> than some randomly selected document. Thus, <img alt="Pr(\text{algorithm} \cap \text{probability}) &gt; Pr(\text{algorithm}) \cdot Pr(\text{probability})" src="" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: middle;" />, violating the assumption. Despite this "flaw", the Naive Bayesian Classifier works remarkably will on many problems. If one employs the common approach of converting a document into bigrams (pairs of words instead of single words), then you can capture a good deal of this correlation indirectly.</p> <p>In the final leg of the discussion, we explore the question of whether or not a Naive Bayesian Classifier would be a good choice for detecting fake news.</p> <div class="blog-related-content-container"> </div> <div class="blog-share-bar-container"> </div>