Service Mesh in Docker Desktop with Meshery

DevOps and Docker Talk

Episode | Podcast

Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 09:30:00 -0500

<p>Bret is joined by Lee Calcote and Nic Jackson, co-authors of the Service Mesh Patterns book, to discuss service mesh for Docker Desktop and Compose apps with the new Meshery extension for Docker desktop.</p><p>They talk about what service mesh is and go into the new Measure extension for Docker Desktop, which is a CNCF sandbox project. One of its bigger features is to help you try out different service meshes and test them with only a few clicks. They also cover other features of their tools, such as the beta of MeshMap which helps you visualize your clusters and apply better practices to your service mesh.</p><p>Streamed live on YouTube on September 22, 2022. Includes demos.</p><p><br /><strong>Unedited </strong><a href=""><strong>live recording</strong></a><strong> of this show on YouTube (Ep #185)</strong></p><p><br />★<strong>Topics★<br /></strong><a href="">Learn Service Mesh</a><br /><a href="">Meshery Docker Extension</a> <br /><a href="">MeshMap</a> <br /><a href="">Service Mesh Patterns Book</a></p><p>★<strong>Nic Jackson, Principal Developer Advocate, HashiCorp★<br /></strong><a href="">Nic on Twitter</a><br /><a href="">Nic on Linkedin</a><br /><a href="">Nic Jackson on YouTube </a><br /><a href="">Shipyard website</a></p><p>★<strong>Lee Calcote, Founder and CEO, Layer5★<br /></strong><a href="">Lee on Twitter</a><br /><a href="">Lee on Linkedin</a></p><p>★<strong>Join my Community</strong>★<br />Best coupons for my <a href=""><strong>Docker and Kubernetes courses</strong></a><br />Chat with us and fellow students on our Discord Server <a href=""><strong>DevOps Fans</strong></a></p><p>Homepage <a href=""><strong></strong></a></p> <ul> <li>(00:00) - DDT MAIN</li> <li>(00:04) - Template intro</li> <li>(00:52) - Bret intro</li> <li>(01:53) - Main show</li> <li>(01:58) - The guests</li> <li>(02:39) - Lee and Layer5</li> <li>(03:55) - Nick and Hashicorp</li> <li>(05:51) - Lee and Nick</li> <li>(06:54) - Challenges of writing a book</li> <li>(07:37) - Layer5 and Meshery</li> <li>(08:38) - Meshery elevator pitch</li> <li>(10:46) - Service Mesh 101</li> <li>(11:16) - Retry</li> <li>(12:20) - Observability</li> <li>(13:29) - Question Docker Swarm Supports Docker Extensions?</li> <li>(15:39) - What does service mesh seem like?</li> <li>(16:38) - Platform engineering</li> <li>(23:54) - Distributed systems concerns</li> <li>(25:39) - preparation</li> <li>(26:16) - What would you use Meshery locally for?</li> <li>(27:50) - Mesh map</li> <li>(28:48) - Demo but mostly theoretical</li> <li>(32:45) - Visual designer</li> <li>(33:11) - Catalog of extensions</li> <li>(33:49) - Performance management</li> <li>(37:03) - Installing the extension</li> <li>(37:52) - Close to the end</li> <li>(38:12) - A lot going on online</li> <li>(38:54) - Shipyard</li> <li>(42:26) - Starship</li> <li>(42:44) - Wrapping up</li> <li>(42:55) - Status of the book</li> <li>(49:45) - Closing</li> <li>(50:01) - Outro</li> </ul> <br /><p><strong>Support this show and get exclusive benefits on </strong><a href=""><strong>Patreon</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=""><strong>YouTube</strong></a><strong>, or </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>!</strong></p>