Managing Enterprise Kubernetes with Replicated

DevOps and Docker Talk

Episode | Podcast

Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2022 09:30:00 -0400

<p>Bret is joined by Marc Campbell of Replicated to discuss the challenges of deploying your software on other people's Kubernetes.</p><p>Following a discussion of the problems Replicated is solving, they go over all the great open source projects they are developing for deploying, managing, and troubleshooting Kubernetes.</p><p>Streamed live on YouTube on June 23, 2022.</p><p><br /><strong>Unedited </strong><a href=""><strong>live recording</strong></a><strong> of this show on YouTube (Ep #175).</strong></p><p><br />★Topics★<br /><a href="">Replicated</a> <br /><a href="">Replicated OSS Projects</a> <br /><a href="">Kubernetes Troubleshooter</a><br /><a href="">Schema Hero</a> <br /><a href="">Kubelist podcast</a>, CNCF project leader interviews<br /><a href="">Enterprise Ready assessment and podcast</a><br /><a href="">kURL</a> - Customize your Kubernetes Installer <br /><a href="">KOTS</a> - Manage COTS on K8s <br /><a href="">Find Outdated Images</a><br /><a href="">Unfork your custom Helm charts </a></p><p><br /><strong>★Marc Campbell★</strong><br /><a href="">Marc Campbell on Twitter</a></p><p><br /><strong>★Join my Community★</strong><br />Best coupons for my <a href=""><strong>Docker and Kubernetes courses</strong></a></p><p>Chat with us on our Discord Server <a href=""><strong>Vital DevOps</strong></a></p><p>Homepage <a href=""><strong></strong></a></p> <ul> <li>(00:00) - DDT MAIN</li> <li>(00:03) - Template intro</li> <li>(00:53) - Bret intro</li> <li>(03:02) - Main show</li> <li>(03:42) - How Mark Got to Replicated</li> <li>(04:28) - How Replicated Started</li> <li>(05:01) - All projects open source</li> <li>(06:04) - COTS</li> <li>(11:31) - Kubernetes: Limiter or Enabler?</li> <li>(13:06) - Kurl</li> <li>(16:57) - KOTS</li> <li>(20:15) - Not all users are going to be helm experts</li> <li>(21:13) - Unfork</li> <li>(25:08) - Troubleshooting Kubernetes</li> <li>(35:02) - Outdated</li> <li>(40:35) - Their podcasts</li> <li>(41:41) - Schemahero</li> <li>(50:19) - Other tools like kurl?</li> <li>(52:02) - Are teams adopting kots?</li> <li>(54:27) - Question</li> <li>(55:49) - What's next?</li> <li>(57:39) - Winding down</li> <li>(57:48) - Outro</li> </ul> <br /><p><strong>Support this show and get exclusive benefits on </strong><a href=""><strong>Patreon</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=""><strong>YouTube</strong></a><strong>, or </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>!</strong></p>