Serverless, FaaS, and Kubernetes Tools with Alex Ellis of OpenFaaS

DevOps and Docker Talk

Episode | Podcast

Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 04:00:00 -0400

<p>I have a live Q&amp;A with Alex Ellis as we break down FaaS, Serverless, and how these technologies work with Docker and Kubernetes including his open-source tools like OpenFaaS, Inlets, faasd, k3sup, and more.</p><p><a href="">Original YouTube Live Stream with Demos</a><br /><a href="">Alex on GitHub</a><br /><a href="">OpenFaaS</a><br /><a href="">Inlets</a><br /><a href="">Inlets Operator</a><br /><a href="">k3sup</a><br /><a href="">faasd</a></p> <br /><p><strong>Support this show and get exclusive benefits on </strong><a href=""><strong>Patreon</strong></a><strong>, </strong><a href=""><strong>YouTube</strong></a><strong>, or </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>!</strong></p>