Interview w/ Trevor Hinesley (Part 2)

Developer Tea

Episode | Podcast

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 09:00:00 +0000

<p>Today we have an awesome guest that I met outside of his profession. Today's guest is Trevor Hinesley, who is the CTO of <a href=";utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_term=music%20for%20videos&amp;utm_campaign=AMG+-+AMA+-+Stock+Music+(MOF)&amp;hsa_tgt=kwd-41377233&amp;hsa_src=g&amp;hsa_kw=music%20for%20videos&amp;hsa_ver=3&amp;hsa_mt=b&amp;hsa_cam=1067401836&amp;hsa_ad=253200666617&amp;hsa_grp=51075402383&amp;hsa_net=adwords&amp;hsa_acc=8299718124&amp;gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4OTQ9ePy3QIVCJF-Ch34lgWtEAAYASAAEgJNGfD_BwE">Soundstripe</a>, and in part 2 of this two-part interview with Trevor, we talk about some struggles that go along with being a leader at a company.</p> <h2>Today's Episode is Brought To you by: <a href=";utm_campaign=DeveloperTea%7CPodcast%7CPricePerf_100&amp;utm_source=developer_tea">Digital Ocean</a></h2> <p><a href=";utm_campaign=DeveloperTea%7CPodcast%7CPricePerf_100&amp;utm_source=developer_tea">DigitalOcean</a> is the easiest cloud platform to run and scale your applications. From effortless administration tools to robust compute, storage, and networking services, <a href=";utm_campaign=DeveloperTea%7CPodcast%7CPricePerf_100&amp;utm_source=developer_tea">DigitalOcean</a> provides an all-in-one cloud platform to help developers and their teams save time while running and scaling their applications.</p> <p>Build your next app on <a href=";utm_campaign=DeveloperTea%7CPodcast%7CPricePerf_100&amp;utm_source=developer_tea">DigitalOcean</a>. Get started today with a free $100 credit at <a href=";utm_campaign=DeveloperTea%7CPodcast%7CPricePerf_100&amp;utm_source=developer_tea"></a>. It only takes a few minutes to get up and running.</p> <h2>Get in touch</h2> <p>If you have questions about today's episode, want to start a conversation about today's topic or just want to let us know if you found this episode valuable I encourage you to join the conversation or start your own on our community platform <a href=""></a></p> <h2>🧡 Leave a Review</h2> <p>If you're enjoying the show and want to support the content head over to iTunes and <a href="">leave a review</a>! It helps other developers discover the show and keep us focused on what matters to you.</p>