Windows and .NET with Chris Sells and Amruta Gulanikar

Google Cloud Platform Podcast

Episode | Podcast

Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 01:07:49 +0000

<p>Today <a href="">Amruta Gulanikar</a> and <a href="">Chris Sells</a>, experts from the Windows and .NET community and part of the Google Cloud team, join your cohosts <a href="">Francesc</a> and <a href="">Mark</a> to discuss why you should run your Windows and .NET work loads on Google Cloud.</p> <h5 id="about-amruta-gulanikar">About Amruta Gulanikar</h5> <p>Prior to joining Google <a href="">Amruta</a> spent 5+ years as a PM in the Office division at Microsoft working on many different products. Just before she left, she worked on launching a new service and supporting apps - “O365 Planner” which offers people a simple and visual way to organize teamwork.</p> <p>At Google, Amruta owns Windows on <a href="">GCE</a> which includes support for premium OS & Microsoft Server product images, platform improvements to support Windows workloads on GCE.</p> <h5 id="about-chris-sells">About Chris Sells</h5> <p>Before joining Google, <a href="">Chris</a> was a contributing member of the Windows developer community for more than 20 years, including 8 years at Microsoft. He’s written a number of books in this area and still maintains a blog that he started in 1995 about his various technical adventures, although he’s more active on Twitter these days.</p> <p>At Google, Chris is the Lead PM for Cloud Developer Tools, which includes driving our tooling and libraries efforts around Windows and .NET.</p> <h5 id="cool-thing-of-the-week">Cool thing of the week</h5> <ul> <li>15 Awesome things you probably didn’t know about Google BigQuery <a href=""> blog post</a></li> <li>A Google SRE explores GitHub reliability with BigQuery <a href=""> blog post</a></li> </ul> <h5 id="interview">Interview</h5> <ul> <li>Windows on Google Cloud Platform <a href="">docs</a></li> <li>Windows on Google Compute Engine <a href="">docs</a></li> <li>.NET on Google Cloud Platfom <a href="">docs</a></li> <li>SQL Server on Google Cloud Platform <a href="">docs</a></li> <li>Windows RDP: Remoted Desktop Protocol <a href="">wikipedia</a></li> <li>Running .NET applications on Linux with Mono <a href="">blog</a></li> <li>.NET core runtime <a href="">docs</a></li> <li>Announcing Docker Container Platform for Windows Server 2016 <a href="">Docker</a></li> <li>Update on Kubernetes for Windows Server Containers <a href=""> blog post</a></li> <li>Powershell <a href="">docs</a></li> <li>PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux <a href=""> announcement</a></li> </ul> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" style="margin: auto; width: 25%;" /> <p><small>Google Cloud Platform is a first class Windows cloud</small></p> </div> <h5 id="question-of-the-week">Question of the week</h5> <p>How can I diagnose and understand a problem that only occurs in production? - Stackdriver Debugger is now GA <a href=""> announcement</a></p> <h5 id="were-will-we-be">Were will we be?</h5> <p><a href="">Francesc</a> finally released one more episode of <a href="">justforfunc</a>, and now everything is ready before he goes to Brazil next month for <a href="">GopherCon Brasil</a> and <a href="">GCPNext Brazil</a>.</p> <p><a href="">Mark</a> will be at <a href="">GAMEACON</a> in Atlantic City on October 28th. He will then attend <a href="">Unite</a>, the Unity conference in Los Angeles, CA on November 1st.</p>