gRPC at CoreOS with Brandon Philips

Google Cloud Platform Podcast

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Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 01:07:49 +0000

<p><a href="">Brandon Philips</a>, CTO of <a href="">CoreOS</a>, tells your cohosts <a href="">Mark</a> and <a href="">Francesc</a> why they chose <a href="">gRPC</a> for the newest version of etcd and how this improved its performance and development flow.</p> <h5 id="about-brandon">About Brandon</h5> <p>Brandon Philips is helping to build modern server infrastructure at CoreOS as CTO. Prior to CoreOS, he worked at Rackspace hacking on cloud monitoring and was a Linux kernel developer at SUSE. As a graduate of Oregon State’s Open Source Lab he is passionate about open source technologies.</p> <h5 id="cool-things-of-the-week">Cool things of the week</h5> <ul> <li><a href="">@notch</a>, creator of Minecraft would cloud again with Google Cloud Platform</li> </ul> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" /></div> <p>A Stack of Stuff for .NET developers:</p> <ul> <li>Getting started with Cloud Tools for Visual Studio <a href=""> blog post</a></li> <li>Running Powershell on Google Cloud SDK <a href=""> blog post</a></li> <li>Installing and using Cloud Tools for Visual Studio <a href="">YouTube</a></li> </ul> <h5 id="interview">Interview</h5> <ul> <li><a href="">CoreOS</a></li> <li>etcd: Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system <a href="">GitHub</a></li> <li>Protocol Buffers <a href="">Google Developers</a></li> <li>gRPC v1 <a href="">GitHub release</a></li> <li>gRPC gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator <a href="">GitHub</a></li> <li>CoreOS Community <a href="">homepage</a></li> <li><a href="">Swagger</a> aka <a href="">OpenAPI</a></li> <li>gRPC streaming <a href=""> docs</a></li> </ul> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" width="50%" /></div> <h5 id="question-of-the-week">Question of the week</h5> <ul> <li>Emulator for Datastore <a href="">docs</a></li> </ul>