JSJ 359: Productivity with Mani Vaya

JavaScript Jabber

Episode | Podcast

Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 10:00:00 +0000

<div class="trix-content"> <div><a href="https://devchat--2000books.thrivecart.com/2x-productivity-now/">Get Mani's 2x Productivity Course</a></div><div><strong>Sponsors</strong></div><ul> <li> <a href="https://sentry.io/welcome/">Sentry</a> use the code “devchat” for $100 credit</li> <li><a href="https://triplebyte.com/rogues">Triplebyte</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.cachefly.com/">CacheFly</a></li> </ul><div><strong>Panel</strong></div><ul> <li>Aaron Frost</li> <li>AJ O’Neal</li> <li>Joe Eames</li> <li>Aimee Knight</li> <li>Charles Max Wood</li> </ul><div>Joined by special guest: Mani Vaya</div><div><strong>Episode Summary</strong></div><div>Mani is the founder of a book summary business called <a href="http://www.2000books.com/">www.2000books.com</a> </div><div>At 2000 Books, Mani studies the world’s greatest business and personal development books.</div><div>Then he takes the most important ideas from each book and presents them in tight, 9- to 15-minute video summaries.</div><div>You get the 4-7 most important ideas in a condensed format that's easy to absorb, easy to review, and easy to put into action immediately.</div><div>To help people with productivity, Mani created an awesome course called “10x Productivity"</div><div>His “10x Productivity" video course contains summaries of the 50 greatest books ever written on time management, productivity, goal setting, systems, execution, strategy and leverage.</div><div>"10x Productivity" pack includes summaries of all the NY Times Best Sellers on Productivity &amp; Time Management, such as:</div><ul> <li>The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey</li> <li>Getting Things Done by David Allen</li> <li>Deep Work by Cal Newport</li> <li>The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg</li> <li>The One Thing by Gary Keller</li> <li>Essentialism by Greg McKeown</li> </ul><div>All together, this collection includes more than 250 strategies, tips, tools &amp; techniques for:</div><div>- Becoming more productive</div><div>- Getting results rather than being busy, stressed out &amp; frustrated</div><div>- Time Management</div><div>- Defeating procrastination</div><div>- Achieving big goals</div><div>- Hacking your brain for high performance</div><div>- Identifying the highest leverage points that lead to much faster results</div><div>- Creating powerful habits</div><div>- Installing execution systems that make goal achievement inevitable</div><div>10x Productivity Package contains:</div><ul> <li>Summaries of the 50 greatest books ever written on Productivity &amp; Time Management</li> <li>250+ greatest ideas, tips and strategies on Time Management &amp; Productivity</li> <li>10+ Hours of no-fluff solid Video Content</li> <li>PDF Summaries of all 50 books</li> </ul><div>Since Mani is my friend and fellow mastermind member, I worked with him to get you guys an amazing discount (using discount code “DEVCHAT”) on the <a href="https://devchat--2000books.thrivecart.com/2x-productivity-now/">10x Productivity Book Summary Pack which you can find here</a> </div><div>Make sure to use the Coupon code “DEVCHAT” to get the discount.</div><div><strong>Links</strong></div><ul><li> <a href="https://devchat--2000books.thrivecart.com/2x-productivity-now/">Mani’s 2x Productivity Course</a> use the code “devchat” for a discount</li></ul><div><strong>Picks</strong></div><div><strong>AJ O’Neal:</strong></div><ul> <li>M. Night Shyamalan’s <em>The Village</em> </li> <li>colophony/pine sap/rosin/flux for electronics work</li> </ul><div><strong>Aimee Knight:</strong></div><ul><li> <a href="https://medium.com/@tammybutow/graduating-from-bootcamp-and-interested-in-becoming-a-site-reliability-engineer-b69a38ce858b">Interested In Becoming A Site Reliability Engineer?</a> blog post</li></ul><div><strong>Charles Max Wood:</strong></div><ul> <li><a href="http://entreprogrammers.libsyn.com/episode-248-pomodoro-action">Entreprogrammers episode 248</a></li> <li>... Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/javascript-jabber/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy