Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 13:00:00 +0000
<div class="trix-content"> <div>02:24 - Robert Damphousse Introduction</div><div>02:40 - <a href="">OAuth</a> </div><ul> <li><a href="">OpenID</a></li> <li><a href="">JWT</a></li> </ul><div>07:15 - <a href="">Stormpath</a> </div><ul> <li><a href="">@gostormpath</a></li> <li><a href="">[GitHub] Stormpath</a></li> <li><a href="">Blog</a></li> </ul><div>08:38 - Authorization Information Storage</div><div>11:29 - Stormpath Authentication vs OAuth Authentication</div><ul><li><a href="">Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant</a></li></ul><div>14:43 - Caching </div><div>15:41 - Building Backends as a Service?</div><div>18:21 - Security</div><div>19:12 - Using <a href="">Cassandra</a> </div><ul><li><a href="">Stormpath in Planet Cassandra: 50k Accounts Imported in Under 200ms</a></li></ul><div>20:27 - Use Cases</div><div>22:27 - Authentication as a Service </div><div>23:40 - <a href="">2FA (Two Factor Authentication)</a>?</div><div>24:07 - REST APIs</div><ul><li><a href="">Launch a SaaS – and Battle Your Robot – With Stormpath</a></li></ul><div>25:39 - Making Complete Apps</div><ul> <li><a href="">FullContact</a></li> <li><a href="">Firebase</a></li> </ul><div>26:33 - Security (Cont’d)</div><div>27:34 - In-Between Layer (Authentication API)</div><div>28:40 - Browser-Based vs Mobile Application Use</div><div>29:44 - <a href="">Angular</a>, <a href="">React</a>, <a href="">Flux</a>, </div><div>32:02 - <a href="">React Native</a>?</div><div>33:05 - <a href="">Stormpath</a> Life Expectancy</div><div>35:09 - Customers</div><div>36:12 - <a href="">Active Directory</a>, <a href="">LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)</a> </div><div>37:05 - Support and Pricing</div><div>Picks</div><div>Putting the "fun" back in "funeral"! Celebrating the death of old IE browsers on January 12! (Dave)<br /> <a href="">Giant Star Wars LEGO Super Star Destroyer Shattered at 1000 fps | Battle Damage</a> (Dave)<br /> <a href="">GitLab</a> (Dave)<br /> <a href="">Allen Pike: JavaScript Framework Fatigue</a> (Aimee)<br /> <a href="">The Cult of Work You Never Meant to Join</a> (Aimee)<br /> <a href="">Serial</a> (AJ)<br /> <a href="">HotPlate</a> (AJ)<br /> <a href="">Design Patterns in C</a> (AJ)<br /> <a href="">OAuth3</a> (AJ)<br /> <a href="">JS Remote Conf Videos</a> (Chuck)<br /> <a href="">Ruby Remote Conf</a> (Chuck)<br /> <a href="">Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman</a> (Chuck)<br /> <a href="">Startups For the Rest of Us</a> (Chuck)<br /> <... Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out: