068 JSJ ES6 with Aaron Frost

JavaScript Jabber

Episode | Podcast

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 07:00:00 +0000

<div class="trix-content"> <div>Panel</div><pre>Aaron Frost (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) <br /></pre><div>Discussion<br /> 01:36 - Aaron Frost Introduction</div><pre>Web Developer at Domo 1.21 Gigawatts – Chromeapps with Angularjs and Node (Aaron Frost and Dave Geddes) JS.next: A Manager’s Guide by Aaron Frost <br /></pre><div>02:21 - ECMAScript and JavaScript</div><pre>Brendan Eich talking about the Lord Of The Rings Comparison JScript ActionScript <br /></pre><div>06:02 - TC39 on ECMA</div><pre>Notes from the TC39 Meetings <br /></pre><div>06:44 - ECMAScript:Harmony<br /> 09:59 - ES6 Features</div><pre>Arrow Functions/Lambdas Lexical Scoping Destructioning Spreading Sets &amp; Maps Equivalent Detection Generators Binary Data <br /></pre><div>12:17 - Arrow Functions<br /> 14:23 - Data Proofing Functions<br /> 15:35 - Destructuring</div><pre>Paths/Nested Destructuring Destructuring Patterns <br /></pre><div>17:59 - Default Values<br /> 18:49 - Rest &amp; Default Parameters<br /> 20:39 - Let</div><pre>Variable Hoisting Traceur Compiler grunt-traceur Let Expressions &amp; Statements Blocks &amp; Block Scopes temporal-dead-zone.js <br /></pre><div>27:20 - Generators<br /> 28:39 - The Module System<br /> 29:48 - Template Strings<br /> 32:05 - Aaron’s Opinion of Internet Explorer<br /> 36:01 - Using ES6 Today</div><pre>Tracer Compiler <br /></pre><div>39:18 - Designing a New Language</div><div>Picks</div><pre>Pacific Rim (Joe) That Conference (Joe) PHOX (Merrick) Sqwiggle (Jamison) NodeConf (Jamison) Jon Hopkins - Immunity (Jamison) Tombstone (Aaron) Justin Timberlake - The 20/20 Experience (Aaron) <br /></pre><div>Book Club<br /> JavaScript Allongé with Reginald Braithwaite!  He will join us for an episode to discuss the book on August 1st. The episode will air on August 9th.<br /> Next Week<br /> The Application Cache with Jake Archibald<br /> Transcript<br /> JAMISON:  Are you guys going to do a doo-wop chorus? I feel like with you all sharing the same microphone, we need some sick vocal harmony.</div><div>MERRICK:  I wouldn’t mind starting a JS Jabber a cappella group.</div><div>[Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at Bluebox.net.] </div><div>[This episode is sponsored by Component One, makers of Wijmo. If you need stunning UI elements or awesome graphs and charts, then go to Wijmo.com and check them out.] </div><div>JAMISON:  Hey everybody and welcome to JavaScript Jabber Episode 68. I am your guest host, Jamison Dance. Chuck is at LoneStar Ruby Conf this week. We have Merrick Christensen.</div><div>MERRICK:  What’s up?</div><div>JAMISON:  We have Joe Eames.</div><div>JOE:  Hey there.</div><div>JAMISON:  And we have an incredibly special guest, Aaron Frost.</div><div>AARON:  Hello.</div><div>MERRICK:  [Laughter] What?</div><div>JAMISON:  And he is not British.</div><div>AARON:  Coming from across the pond.</div><div>MERRICK:  Once you’re gone, I’m going to start using that as my greeting.</div><div>AARON:  Well, I wish my name was like that one guy, the Allonge, Reginald Braithwaite.</div><div>[Laughter]</div><div>AARON:  Where it’s like your name’s in British.</div><div>JOE:  Yes. Your accent, no. Oh, I would have my name be Benedict Cumberbatch.</div><div>AARON:  That’s pretty British too, that name.</div><div>JOE:  That’s a very British name, yeah.</div><div>AARON:  Wellington something.</div><div>[Laughter]</div><div>JAMISON:  Then you would be the archduke of JavaScript.</div><div>AARON:  Yeah.</div><div>JOE:  Oh, that would be an awesome title.</div><div>AARON:  That’d be great. It’s a good title.</div><div>MERRICK:  So Jamison, do you want to talk about why we have Aaron on the show?</div><div>JAMISON:  Yeah, I was going to ask him to introduce himself.</div><div>AARON:  Oh, great. I’m a web developer at an awesome company called Domo.</div><div>JOE... Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/javascript-jabber/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy