Beaker's past, present and future

Pulling the Strings

Episode | Podcast

Date: Wed, 5 May 2021 14:00:00 +0000

<p>Acceptance testing is fun, I know! In this episode of Pulling the Strings, Lucy Wyman, Gene Liverman, and Trevor Vaughan explain multi-node testing with Beaker, how Beaker is different from Litmus, and future plans for Beaker.</p><p><strong>Learn More: </strong></p><ul><li>Install Beaker<a href=""> here</a>.</li><li><a href="">Watch</a> the presentation of Beaker with PDK.  </li><li><a href="">Join</a> the Puppet Community on Slack. </li><li><a href="">Learn more</a> about Vox Pupuli.</li></ul>