What's new with the Puppet VS Code Extension, anyway?

Pulling the Strings

Episode | Podcast

Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 14:00:25 +0000

<p>Puppet's developer experience has been through a lot of growing pains. Many of us learned Puppet before the PDK existed, when the state of the art was SSHing into a Puppet master, manually making a module's directory structure, and cracking open Vim to edit our manifests. Some of us still do that; old habits die hard. But the point is that the barrier to entry used to be really high, and it didn't have to be. <a href="https://twitter.com/ender2025">James Pogran</a> is a Puppet developer on a mission to change that and simplify the experience for practitioners of all levels. He's here to talk with us today about his work on the Puppet VS Code Extension.</p><h2>Learn more</h2><ul><li>Install the <a href="https://pup.pt/vscode">Puppet VS Code Extension</a> today!</li><li>See more about <a href="https://puppet-vscode.github.io">the Puppet VS Code extension</a></li><li>Get started with <a href="https://puppet.com/try-puppet/puppet-development-kit">the PDK</a> today</li></ul>