#14 Lots of Python style and Python 3000 is 3000 days old

Python Bytes

Episode | Podcast

Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 00:00:00 -0800

**Brian #1:** [**Tiny Python 3.6 Notebook - Matt Harrison**](https://github.com/mattharrison/Tiny- Python-3.6-Notebook/blob/master/README.md) * README : <https://github.com/mattharrison/Tiny-Python-3.6-Notebook/blob/master/README.md> * Full Book on GitHub : <https://github.com/mattharrison/Tiny-Python-3.6-Notebook/blob/master/python.rst> * “This is not so much an instructional manual, but rather notes, tables, and examples for Python syntax.” * Physical book is 134 pages, but looks like about 90 pages of content.