The future of data according to predictions, Python 3.0, and people.

The Banana Data Podcast

Episode | Podcast

Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 04:00:00 -0400

<p>On episode 4 of Banana Data, we’re taking a look at how our data is changing. With models in the wild skewing our future data sets, the impending shift to Python 3.0, and navigating a public distrust of Machine Learning, Triveni and Will talk through how our current decisions in AI will heavily influence its future. They’ll also take a stab at explaining GANs - in English.</p><p> Learn more about the articles referenced in this episode below:<br /> <a href=";utm_source=topic+optin&amp;utm_campaign=awareness&amp;utm_content=20190605+data+nl&amp;mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTlRGbU9EZ3lPR0kxT1RreSIsInQiOiIxbklcL3Vlc0lYYW8wb2ZlMWNHMitMRzdXbHZrOEpNTnlkdmNZcmpESUhiVUNVdlhFXC8za0xaalwvM1M2TG9DcEJsdHB5WGlnSlhhVUd5QjB3NDhkWWI4MkZTSFBEcjVcLzlsczlKOGtqbWo0cEY1RzVhMU1wT3NDYWRRU016UzJZT1IifQ%3D%3D">Here’s a prediction: In the future, predictions will only get worse</a> by Alison Schrager (Quartz)<br /> <a href="">Python’s Caduceus Syndrome: What happens when a programming language grows up</a> by Normcore Tech (Substack)<br /> <a href="">How a Feel-Good AI Story Went Wrong in Flint</a> by Alexis C. Madrigal (The Atlantic)</p>