Syrus Akbary, CEO of Wasmer

The Sourcegraph Podcast

Episode | Podcast

Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2020 16:00:00 -0700

<p><a href="">Syrus Akbary</a> is the founder and CEO of <a href="">Wasmer</a>, the startup behind the <a href="">open-source web assembly runtime</a> that&apos;s doing for WebAssembly what Docker did for LXC. Syrus explains what WebAssembly is, why it matters outside your browser, and how it compares to other virtualization technologies. He shares the pains that motivated him to look into WebAssembly and eventually led him to create a new WebAssembly runtime and a new company around it. We dive deep into WebAssembly as a technology, its portability and performance characteristics, and talk about the importance of prioritizing community and developer experience when building new development platforms.<br /><br />Show notes and transcript: <a href=""></a></p>