Android Developers Backstage

Episode 196: Android Studio, behind the scenes

Episode 195: Mainlining

Episode 194: Subtext

Episode 193: Kotlin

Episode 192: The Path Forward

Episode 191: Compose Lazy Layouts

Episode 190: Performance Review

Episode 189: Video Conference

Episode 188: Android 13

Episode 187: System UI: A Retrospective

Episode 186: Live Edit

Episode 185: Play Store

Episode 184: Skia and AGSL - Shaders of Things to Come

Episode 183: Baseline Profiles

Episode 182: Large screens are a big deal

Episode 181: Architecture → Fewer bugs at the end

Episode 180: Kotlin Magic Platform

Episode 179: Flibberty Widget

Episode 178: Hosts 3, Guests 0

Episode 177: Honor every photon

Episode 176: Android 12 - S stands for System UI

Episode 175: Lottie

Episode 174: Compose tooling

Episode 173: More benchmarking

Episode 172: Privacy features in Android 12

Episode 171: Compose Testing

Episode 170: Jetpack Compose Graphics & Animation

Episode 169: Testing

Episode 168: Material Composition

Episode 167: Jetpack Compose Layout

Episode 166: Security Deposit

Episode 165: Material Witnesses

Episode 164: Jetpack Compose Compilation

Episode 163: Novel Graphics

Episode 162: Kotlin Symbol Processing

Episode 161: DataStories

Episode 160: ART History

Episode 159: Interview with Chris Lacy

Episode 158: Jetpack Compose... C'est bêta !

Episode 157: Audio feedback

Episode 156: Android Runtime Classic (Dalvik)

Episode 155: WindowManagerManagers

Episode 154: It's a Wrap!

Episode 153: Ok, Ok, Ok

Episode 152: Image Loading with Coil

Episode 151: Paging3

Episode 150: Aaptly Named

Episode 149: ADB over WiFi on ADB

ADB 148: [Constraint|Motion][Layout|Editor]

Episode 147: Jetpack Compose Alpha

Episode 146: The Game Changer

Episode 145: Grab that Dagger by the Hilt

Episode 144: Compilers

Episode 143: Shhhh! Private!

Episode 142: Machine Learning Learning

Episode 141: Discussing Conversations

Episode 140: Bubbles!

Episode 139: AndroidX. Jetpack. AndroidX. Jetpack. Whatever.

Episode 138: Animated IME — Oh, my!

Episode 137: Accessibility

Episode 136: Remoting

Episode 135: Audio Podcast

Episode 134: All Work No Play

Episode 133: Power Play

Episode 132: Storing data with Store

Episode 131: Jetpack Compose and Declarative UIs

Episode 130: First Law of Motion...Layout

Episode 129: Display, Input and Haptics

Episode 128: Play with App Bundles

Episode 127: Gradle to Crave

Episode 126: Gesture Nav

Episode 125: ADB Live at the Android Dev Summit

Episode 124: UX

Episode 123: Redacted

Episode 122: Talk Talk

Episode 121: Benchmarking

Episode 120: Machine Learning

Episode 119: Kotlin with Andrey Breslav

Episode 118: Authentic Podcast

Episode 117: Kotlin Coroutines

Episode 116: CameraX

Episode 115: Jetpack Compose

Episode 114: Pocket Casts Cast

Episode 113: IO19

Episode 112: Cutting Corners with MDC

Episode 111: Emulator Snapshot

Episode 110: It's all about the Treble

Episode 109: Jazz Hands

Episode 108: Instant Re-run

Episode 107: Dave Burke

Episode 106: WorkManager & Navigation

Episode 105: Telephony

Episode 104: Android Dev Summit

Episode 103: Tor, Romain, and Chet Talk about Stuff

Episode 102: ML All the Things!

Episode 101: Prefetch and Paging

Episode 100: Android Rendering

Episode 99: Accessibility Time

Episode 98: Filament

Episode 97: Bluetooth

Episode 96: Location: It's Where It's At

Episode 95: The New News Thing

Episode 94: TV Time

Episode 93: WorkManager

Episode 92: Navigation Controller

Episode 91: KTX

Episode 90: Spanspanspanspan

Episode 89: Upon Reflection

Episode 88: Autofill

Episode 87: ARrrrrrrr

Episode 86: It's gr8!

Episode 85: Focus on Audio

Episode 84: Instant Apps

Episode 83: The Deal of the ART

Episode 82: Tooling Around

Episode 81: Gradle Sync

Episode 80: Crash Talk

Episode 79: Picking Up Garbage

Episode 78: Notification Explication

Episode 77: Android Internals with Effie Barak

Episode 76: Kotlin-n-stuff

Episode 75: Project Treble - for the HAL of it

Episode 74: Graphics

Episode 73: Architecture Components 2 - Persistence

Episode 72: Architecture Components 1 - Lifecycle

Episode 71: Things

Episode 70: Color

Episode 69: IO IO

Episode 68: Profiler

Episode 67: Fontastic

Episode 66: Kotlin!

Episode 65: Emulator

Episode 64: Gradleweiss

Episode 63: Dagger

Episode 62: It Depends

Episode 61: Kernel Panic

Episode 60: Huyen Tue Dao

Episode 59: Buncha New Stuff

Episode 58: Quick Settings

Episode 57: Espresso Test Recorder

Episode 56: In The Beginning

Episode 55: Glide

Episode 54: AAPT

Episode 53: ADB on ADB

Episode 52: Multi Window of Opportunity

Episode 51: Swisstem UI

Episode 50: Constraint Layout

Episode 49: What's New in N

Episode 48: ExoPlayer

Episode 47: That Syncing Feeling

Episode 46: Softwear

Episode 45: State of the ART

Episode 44: Power On

Episode 43: Keyboard Input

Episode 42: Tool Time

Episode 41: RecyclerView

Episode 40: Material World

Episode 39: MIDI

Episode 38: Fingerprint

Episode 37: Webview

Episode 36: UX Rules

Episode 35: Data Bound

Episode 34: Really Nearby

Episode 33: Permission Mission

Episode 32: Leak Canary

Episode 31: Graphics Performance

Episode 30: Android Design Library

Episode 29: Tor vs. Chet

Episode 28: Chiu-Ki Chat

Episode 27: A Couple of Tools

Episode 26: Fit

Episode 25: Espresso

Episode 24: Roman Holiday

Episode 23: Re: In Car Nation

Episode 22: Wear Wolves

Episode 21: Material Designification

Episode 20: Fonts and Audio

Episode 19: Android TV

Episode 18: Holidaze

Episode 17: AppCompat

Episode 16: Notifications

Episode 15: Location, Location, Location

Episode 14: Accessibility

Android Developers Backstage: Episode 13: Support Library

Android Developers Backstage: Episode 12: The Jake Show

Android Developers Backstage: Episode 11: ART, pART 2 (Trash Talk)

Android Developers Backstage: Episode 10: ART, pART 1

Android Developers Backstage - Episode 9: Design

Android Developers Backstage - Episode 8: Volley

Android Developers Backstage - Episode 7: Making Apps That Work Everywhere

Android Developers Backstage - Episode 6: System UI

Android Developers Backstage- Episode 5: RenderScript

Android Developers Backstage- Episode 4: Google Play Services

Android Developers Backstage - Ep 3: Security

Android Developers Backstage - Ep2: Storage

Android Developers Backstage - Episode 1: KitKat