Python Bytes

#328 We are going to need some context here

#327 Untangling XML with Pydantic

#326 Let's Go for a PyGWalk

#325 It's called a merge conflict

#324 JSON in My DB?

#323 AI search wars have begun

#322 Python Packages, Let Me Count The Ways

#321 A Memorial To Apps Past

#320 The Bug Is In The JavaScript

#319 CSS-Style Queries for... JSON?

#318 GIL, How We Will Miss You

#317 Most loved and most dreaded dev tools of 2022

#316 Python 3.11 is here and it's fast (crossover)

#315 Some Stickers!

#314 What are you, a wise guy? Sort it out!

#313 Programming Robots With a Marker

#312 AI Goes on Trial For Writing Code

#311 Catching Memory Leaks with ... pytest?

#310 Calling All Tools for Readmes

#309 When Malware PoC's are Themselves Malware

#308 Conference season is heating up

#307 Your Python just got faster (3.11 is out!)

#306 Some Fun pytesting Tools

#305 Decorators need love too

#304 Build your own text adventure language in Python

#303 This title is required or is it optional?

#302 The Blue Shirt Episode

#301 PyTorch Grows Up and Moves Out

#300 A Jupyter merge driver for git

#299 Will McGugan drops by

#298 "Unstoppable" Python

#297 I AM the documentation

#296 pip: Constrain your excitement

#295 Flutter + Python GUI Apps?

#294 Specializing Adaptive Interpreters in Full Color

#293 And if I pull this open source Jenga block...

#292 Thursday, it's always a Thursday

#291 Wait, you have how many licenses?!?

#290 Sentient AI? If so, then what?

#289 Textinator is coming for your text, wherever it is

#288 Performance benchmarks for Python 3.11 are amazing

#287 Surprising ways to use Jupyter Notebooks

#286 Unreasonable f-strings

#285 Where we talk about UIs and Python

#284 Spicy git for Engineers

#283 The sports episode

#282 Don't Embarrass Me in Front of The Wizards

#281 ohmyzsh + ohmyposh + mcfly + pls + nerdfonts = wow

#280 Easy terminal scripts by sourcing your Py

#279 Autocorrect and other Git Tricks

#278 Multi-tenant Python applications

#277 It's a Python package showdown!

#276 Tracking cyber intruders with Jupyter and Python

#275 Airspeed velocity of an unladen astropy

#274 12 Questions You Should Be Asking of Your Dependencies

#273 Getting dirty with __eq__(self, other)

#272 The tools episode

#271 CPython: Async Task Groups in Python 3.11

#270 Can errors really be beautiful?

#269 Get Rich and replace your cat

#268 Wait, you can Google that?

#267 Python on the beach

#266 Python has a glossary?

#265 Get asizeof pympler and muppy

#264 We're just playing games with Jupyter at this point

#263 It’s time to stop using Python 3.6

#262 So many bots up in your documentation

#261 Please re-enable spacebar heating

#260 It's brutally simple: made just from pickle and zip

#259 That argument is a little late-bound

#258 Python built us an anime dog!

#257 Python Launcher - Launching Python Everywhere

#256 And the best open source project prize goes to ...

#255 Closember eve, the cure for Hacktoberfest?

#254 Do Excel things, get notebook Python code with Mito

#253 A new Python for you, and for everyone!

#252 Jupyter is now a desktop app!

#251 A 95% complete episode (wait for it)

#250 skorch your scikit-learn together with PyTorch

#249 All of Linux as a Python API

#248 while True: stand up, sit down

#247 Do you dare to press "."?

#246 Love your crashes, use Rich to beautify tracebacks

#245 Fire up your Python time machine (and test some code)

#244 vendorizing your Python podcast

#243 Django unicorns and multi-region PostgreSQL

#242 from lib import * but less

#241 f-yes we want some f-string tricks!

#240 This is GitHub, your pilot speaking...

#239 No module named pythonbytes

#238 A cloud-based file system for Python and a new GUI!

#237 Separate your SQL and Python, asynchronously with aiosql

#236 Fuzzy wuzzy wazzy fuzzy was faster

#235 Flask 2.0 Articles and Reactions

#234 The Astronomy-filled edition with Dr. Becky

#233 RaaS: Readme as a Service

#232 PyPI in a box and a revolutionary keyboard

#231 Go Python, Go!

#230 PyMars? Yes! FLoC? No!

#229 Has one of your dependencies died?

#228 Supreme Court decides API copyright battle

#227 No more awaiting, async comes to SQLAlchemy

#226 Teaching Python podcast on the podcast!

#225 SELECT Pydantic FROM MongoDB

#224 Join us on a Python adventure back to 1977

#223 Beware: A ninja is shadowing Sebastian from FastAPI

#222 Autocomplete with type annotations for AWS and boto3

#221 Pattern matching and accepting change in Python with Brett Cannon

#220 What, why, and where of friendly errors in Python

#219 HTMX: Dynamic and live HTML without JavaScript

#218 Keyboards for developers, Python, and some history

#217 Use your cloud SSD for fast, cross-process caching

#216 Container: Sort thyself!

#215 A Visual Introduction to NumPy

#214 Python year in review (2020 edition)

#213 Uh oh, Vulcans have infiltrated Flask

#212 SQLite as a file format (like docx)

#211 Will a black hole devour this episode?

#210 Analyzing Kickstarter Campaigns with Python

#209 JITing Python with .NET, no irons in sight

#208 Dependencies out of control? Just pip chill.

#207 FastAPI as a web platform (not just APIs)

#206 Python dropping old operating systems is normal!

#205 This is going to be a little bit awkward

#204 Take the PSF survey and Will & Carlton drop by

#203 Scripting a masterpiece for Python web automation

#202 Jupyter is back in black!

#201 Understand git by rebuilding it in Python

#200 No dog-piling please (it's episode 200!)

#199 Big news for a very small Python runtime

#198 There's a beaver in your database and Anna-Lena drops by

#197 Structured concurrency in Python

#196 Version your SQL schemas with git + automatically migrate them

#195 Runtime type checking for Python type hints

#194 Events and callbacks in the Python language!

#193 Break out the Django testing toolbox

#192 Calculations by hand, but in the compter, with Handcalcs

#191 Live from the Manning Python Conference

#190 You will now be notified if the Python zipper is broken

#189 What does str.strip() do? Are you sure?

#188 Will there be a "switch" in Python the language?

#187 Ready to find out if you're git famous?

#186 The treebeard will guard your notebook

#185 This code is snooping on you (a good thing!)

#184 Too many ways to wait with await?

#183 Need a beautiful database editor? Look to the Bees!

#182 PSF Survey is out!

#181 It's time to interrogate your Python code

#180 Transactional file IO with Python and safer

#179 Guido van Rossum drops in on Python Bytes

#178 Build a PyPI package from a Jupyter notebook

#177 Coding is 90% Google searching or is it?

#176 How python implements super long integers

#175 Python string theory with

#174 Happy developers use Python 3

#173 Your test deserves a fluent flavor

#172 Floating high above the web with Helium

#171 Chilled out Python decorators with PEP 614

#170 Visualize this: Visualizing Python's visualization ecosystem

#169 Jupyter Notebooks natively on your iPad

#168 Race your donkey car with Python

#167 Cheating at Kaggle and uWSGI in prod

#166 Misunderstanding software clocks and time

#165 Ranges as dictionary keys - oh my!

#164 Use type hints to build your next CLI app

#163 Meditations on the Zen of Python

#162 Retrofitting async and await into Django

#161 Sloppy Python can mean fast answers!

#160 Your JSON shall be streamed

#159 Brian's PR is merged, the src will flow

#158 There's a bounty on your open-source bugs!

#157 Oh hai Pandas, hold my hand?

#156 All the programming LOLs

#155 Guido van Rossum retires

#154 Code, frozen in carbon, on display for all

#153 Auto format my Python please!

#152 You have 35 million lines of Python 2, now what?

#151 Certified! It works on my machine

#150 Winning the Python software interview

#149 Python's small object allocator and other memory features

#148 The ASGI revolution is upon us!

#147 Mocking out AWS APIs

#146 Slay the dragon, learn the Python

#145 The Python 3 “Y2K” problem

#144 Are you mocking me? It won't work!

#143 Spike the robot, powered by Python!

#142 There's a bandit in the Python space

#141 Debugging with f-strings coming in Python 3.8

#140 Becoming a 10x Developer (sorta)

#139 f"Yes!" for the f-strings

#138 Will PyOxidizer weld shut one of Python's major gaps?

#137 Advanced Python testing and big-time diffs

#136 A Python kernel rather than cleaning the batteries?

#135 macOS deprecates Python 2, will stop shipping it (eventually)

#134 Python proves Mercury is the closest planet to Earth

#133 Github sponsors - The model open source has been waiting for?

#132 Algorithms as objects

#131 Python 3 has issues (over on GitHub)

#130 Python.exe now shipping with Windows 10

#129 Maintaining a Python Project when it’s not your job

#128 Will the GIL be obsolete with PEP 554?

#127 That Python code is on fire!

#126 WebAssembly comes to Python

#125 Will you conquer the deadlock empire?

#124 This is not the None you're looking for

#123 Time to right the py-wrongs

#122 Give Me Back My Monolith

#121 python2 becomes self-aware, enters fifth stage of grief

#120 AWS, MongoDB, and the Economic Realities of Open Source and more

#119 Assorted files as Django ORM backends with Alkali

#118 Better Python executable management with pipx

#117 Is this the end of Python virtual environments?

#116 So you want Python in a 3D graphics engine?

#115 Dataclass CSV reader and Nina drops by

#114 What should be in the Python standard library?

#113 Python Lands on the Windows 10 App Store

#112 Don't use the greater than sign in programming

#111 loguru: Python logging made simple

#110 Python Year in Review 2018 Edition

#109 CPython byte code explorer

#108 Spilled data? Call the PyJanitor

#107 Restructuring and searching data, the Python way

#106 Fluent query APIs on Python collections

#105 Colorizing and Restoring Old Images with Deep Learning

#104 API Evolution the Right Way

#103 Getting to 10x (results for developers)

#102 Structure of a Flask Project

#101 Nobel Prize awarded to a Python convert

#100 The big 100 with special guests

#99 parse - the regex antidote in Python

#98 Python-Electron as a Python GUI

#97 Java goes paid

#96 Python Language Summit 2018

#95 Unleash the py-spy!

#94 Why don't you like notebooks?

#93 Looking like there will be a PyBlazor!

#92 Will your Python be compiled?

#91 Will there be a PyBlazor?

#90 A Django Async Roadmap

#89 A tenacious episode that won't give up

#88 Python has brought computer programming to a vast new audience

#87 Guido van Rossum steps down

#86 Make your NoSQL async and await-able with uMongo

#85 Visually debugging your Jupyter notebook

#84 Vibora web framework: It's fast, async, and means viper

#83 from __future__ import braces

#82 Let's make a clear Python 3 statement

#81 Making your C library callable from Python by wrapping it with Cython

#80 Dan Bader drops by and we found 30 new Python projects

#79 15 Tips to Enhance your Github Flow

#78 Setting Expectations for Open Source Participation

#77 You Don't Have To Be a Workaholic To Win

#76 Goodbye zero-versioning

#75 officially launches

#74 Contributing to Open Source effectively

#73 This podcast comes in any color you want, as long as it's black

#72 New versioning: Episode (with 72 releases)

#71 We can migrate to Python 3, careful please

#70 Have you seen my log? It's cute!

#69 Digging into StackOverflow's 2018 survey results

#68 Python notebooks galore!

#67 Result of moving Python to Github

#66 Wait, NoSQL with ACID and transactions?

#65 Speed of your import statements affecting performance?

#64 The GUI phoenix rises with wxPython

#63 We're still on a desktop GUI kick

#62 Wooey and Gooey are simple Python GUIs

#61 On Being a Senior Engineer

#60 Don't dismiss SQLite as just a starter DB

#59 Instagram disregards Python's GC (again)

#58 Better cache decorators and another take on type hints

#57 Our take on Excel and Python

#56 The pendulum of time swings beautifully in PyPI

#55 Flask, Flask, Flask, 3x Flask

#54 PyAnnotate your way to the future

#53 Getting started with devpi and Git Virtual FS

#52 Call your APIs with uplink and test them in the tavern

#51 How to make your code 80 times faster

#50 Bundling , shipping, and protecting Python applications

#49 Your technical skills are obsolete: now what?

#48 Garbage collection and memory management in Python

#47 PyPy now works with way more C-extensions and parking your package safely

#46 Spicy lecture notes and unicorn console spinners

#45 A really small web API and OS-level machine learning

#44 pip install malicious-code

#43 Python string theory, v2

#42 Behold: The Python 2 death clock

#41 Python Concurrency From the Ground Up and Caring for our Community

#40 Packet Manipulation with Scapy

#39 The new PyPI

#38 Hacking Classic Nintendo Games with Python

#37 Rule over the shells with Sultan

#36 Craft Your Python Like Poetry and Other Musings

#35 How developers change programming languages over time

#34 The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence

#33 You should build an Alexa skill

#32 8 ways to contribute to open source when you have no time

#31 You should have a change log

#30 You are not Google and other ruminations

#29 Responsive Bar Charts with Bokeh, Flask, and Python 3

#28 The meaning of _ in Python

#27 The PyCon 2017 recap and functional Python

#26 How have you automated your life, or CLI, with Python?

#25 Could we have more in-database machine learning please?

#24 I have a local PyPI server and so do you!

#23 Can you grok the GIL?

#22 PYTHONPATH considered harmful

#21 Python has a new star framework for RESTful APIs

#20 Finding similar but not identical images in 128 bits via Python

#19 Put your Python dictionaries in a box and apparently Python is really wanted

#18 Python 3 has some amazing types and you can now constructively insult your shell!

#17 Google's Python is on fire and Simon says you have CPU load Pythonically

#16 Postmodern Python and Open-source Financial Awards

#15 Digging into Python packaging

#14 Lots of Python style and Python 3000 is 3000 days old

#13 Python making the move to GitHub and Dropbox is stepping back from Pyston

#12 Expanding your Python mental model and serving millions of requests per second with Python

#11 Django 2.0 is dropping Python 2 entirely, pipenv for profile functionality, and Pythonic home automation

#10 Dismissing Python's Garbage Collection, PyPI Name Reservations, and Hackers Exfiltrate US Government Data to Save Itself

#9 Walking with async coroutines, diving deep into requests, and a universe of options (for AIs)

#8 Python gets Grumpy, avoiding burnout, Postman for API testing and more

#7 Python 3.6 is out, Sanic is a blazing web framework, and are failing our open source infrastructure?

#6 Python 3.6 is going to be awesome, Kite: your friendly co-developing AI

#5 Legacy Python vs Python and why words matter and Request's 5 Whys retrospective

#4 Python 3 is just fine for beginners thank you, q is awesome for debugging, and more

#3 Python 3.6 is coming, and it's awesome plus superior text processing with Pynini

#2 PyCon, awesome python, python developer job prospects, and more

#1 Intro to the show and pip 9 is out!